Gambling should be Banned provisionally.

Gambling should be Banned provisionally.

For many years, it’s been a topic of debate that gambling is legitimate or not. And from these many years people are continuously involved in it. Gambling for some is a part time activity while for some it has  become a source of self destruction.

From the time of Mahabharat humanity has known about the devastating outcomes of gambling. Gambling provides bait for trapping people in it. The gambling activities are usually organised in big five stars hotels with fascinating lighting and drinks, which attracts the gamblers.

In families, accumulation of debts is the worst drawback of gambling. Not only debt’s accumulation but an increase in crime rates is also one of the outcomes of gambling. Casinos create manipulating impacts on gamblers. So this is the fact that gambling should be compulsorily banned.

Once a person enters in gambling, he develops a severe addiction towards it. It becomes as addictive as a drug. Usually people have an opinion that playing once causes no harm. But eventually the same person who planned to play just for once unintentionally gets trapped and it goes on.

The ability of doing constructive and creative work goes on decreasing and the person becomes jejune. Gambling enters as a part time activity in one’s life eventually becomes a bad habit. Thus, legalizing gambling will create more and more unproductive people in the society.

Gambling decreases productivity with an increase in over expenditure on the same. Rather the person starts to borrow money from family and friends and stays home in absence of money.

Repeated borrowing leads to excessive accumulation of debts. Studies shows that an addicted gambler have an average debt of $ 80,000. With such a huge amount of debts it becomes really difficult for the one to take care of family. This also leads to family crisis leading to family disputes and divorces.

Gambling had increased the crime rates in recent few years. After too much accumulation of debts every one deny for giving their personal money to these gamblers. Gambler needs to play even if he has money or not. And search for every possible option to get some money. Here he goes to the bad means.

It leads to escalation of crimes. The person looses his control over himself. There are people of high society that can tolerate the loss in casino. The mediocre people who once loose the game, always have a hope of its compensation in next round. This is a never-ending path . Once he looses all of his investments including the borrowed money he chooses to opt the path crime. The person needs just money, by hook or crook.

According to some statistics in Atlantic City of New Jersey around 467% increment in crime rate due to development of casinos have been reported.

Along with all these gambling effects the government budget too. Rehabilitation centers are required for treatment of addicted gamblers. Because as mentioned above gambling is as addictive as drug. The government have to mitigate the crime caused by gambling by spending a lot of money.

Gambling lowers the reputation of the person as well as the city, because it eventually increases the crime rates. This creates a sense of fear in tourists, that decreases the tourism in the city. The city losses lots of money that could have come from tourist visit. Gambling this diverts the sources of income which could be used in developing the city.

A huge portion of city’s income goes to the owner of casinos and winning gamblers while business people gets no in comparison. Casinos invests zero in development of city while business organisations works for the city’s development.

Concluding this, it is clear that gambling should be banned and made illegal provisionally. As it have so many of the negative impacts to society. Increasing crime rates, decreasing reputation and development rates of a city are the above mentioned consequences of gambling. So by stating all the above arguments it’s clear that gambling should be banned.

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