Discrimination continues to affect indigenous peoples.

Discrimination continues to affect indigenous peoples.

Discrimination continues to affect indigenous peoples.


UNESCO emphasized that Native Americans and Afro-descendants continue to face discrimination as part of the 2022 International Day to Eliminate Racial Discrimination.



 Defending human rights among indigenous peoples 


Indigenous human rights advocates are increasingly targeted as terrorists to promote and protect rights guaranteed decades ago. There is a global trend towards this. Therefore, the relevant special procedures of the Human Rights Council cooperate and other human rights to address the situation through monitoring, mediation, analysis, and the provision of specific recommendations for the effective protection of indigenous peoples. You need to work with your organization. Human rights advocate.


 Dialogue and consultation 


Governments need to establish mechanisms and processes for full dialogue and consultation with indigenous peoples and obtain free,  informed consent on projects affecting their lands and resources. Therefore, we will respect the basic rights of indigenous peoples and enable them to exercise their rights following international human rights standards.


  Indigenous people of the Sahel 


The situation of indigenous peoples in the Sahel and other parts of Africa is expanding, and various factors, including climate change, have devastating effects on economic development and human security. The lack of awareness of the collective rights of these people provided a fertile foundation for the emergence of complex forms of conflict, including the loss of their territory and resources and violent extremism.


  Cross-border area 


According to Article 36 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the government needs to pay particular attention to indigenous peoples living in border areas to assess the human rights situation in border areas.


At the UNESCO IESALC Seminar on Institutional Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean, political scientist Daniel Mato pointed out that supporting indigenous educational institutions is fundamental.


Racism is only one of the most explicit signs of racism in Latin America. This regime of power has historically continued to affect indigenous peoples and descendants of Afro. In Latin American society. , Racism is so rooted that the majority of the population tends to limit the use of the term racism to explicit acts of racism he explained.


He noted that 13 intercultural universities have been established in Mexico, and he called for a review of the curriculum of all professions to include the worldview, language, knowledge, learning methods, and knowledge pathways of these people. I did.


He added that, as a teacher, as well as an authority on higher education institutions and systems, the world needs to establish an affirmative action program to ensure the participation of indigenous peoples and descendants of Afro.


Similarly, we called for the location of higher education institutions to take into account the needs and suggestions of these people. There is an urgent need to encourage the creation of cross-cultural universities and other types of higher education institutions.


Society needs to work with indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants to show the spread of past heritage in our society today to promote public awareness campaigns, reflections, debates, and debates to eradicate racism. Encouraging action is important. Education promotes politics,


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