Everyone condemns corruption on a social level, but it does not mean that everyone is immune to the corruption flu. There is no sickness in only one nation. The act of corruption is practiced by people all around the world. India is not an exception. In India, corruption has even reached frightening levels. Everyone, from the highest ranking authorities to a peon, is corrupt. Every system has corruption, like a termite. It keeps growing once it is in the system. It’s widespread today and has gradually morphed into the norm. Over 1 trillion US dollars are thought to be spent on bribery each year globally.


This demonstrates the extent of the corruption issue. Having its own employees who are slaves to another government presents the largest difficulty that any government has ever faced. According to the author, the core cause of every other issue a nation encounters is corruption. Let’s examine it in light of India. The Indian government faces a number of significant issues, including underdevelopment, pollution, illiteracy, unemployment, and poverty. However, if one were to take a closer look at all of India’s issues, it would be clear that corruption has a significant impact on how bad things are getting. India still experiences poverty as a result of corruption.




  • Better pay for government employees is an essential first step in the battle against corruption. Many government employees receive pitiful salaries. They therefore resort to bribes in order to pay their expenses. Therefore, government employees should be compensated more. Therefore, a large salary would lessen their motivation to engage in bribery.


  • Increased employment may be a further effective way to combat corruption. Many government entities have a very demanding workload. This offers a possibility to slow down the work of government employees.


  • The use of cameras in the workplace is a great technique to stop corruption. Most importantly, a lot of people would avoid engaging in corruption out of concern for getting exposed. Additionally, these people would have practised corruption if they hadn’t.


  • In conclusion, corruption is a major social ill. We need to immediately rid society of this scourge. The poison that has entered many people’s minds these days is corruption. Hopefully, we can eradicate corruption with persistent political and social initiatives.




Corruption is a difficult issue to solve. It is similar to diabetes in that it can only be partially cured. While corruption may not be totally eradicated at all levels, it can be contained to acceptable levels.



Yash Tiwari



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