How to Prevent Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

How to Prevent Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

Suicidal thoughts and emotions could cause a major disruption in the social and personal life of a person. However, a suicidal circle of thoughts and emotions could break by changing one’s social environment. A suicidal person has to surround himself with positive and encouraging people. Suicidal humans are social creations who surface due to the behaviors of others. Firstly, a suicidal personality should change his social and emotional environment. Secondly, a person moving towards the possibility of acting on his suicidal plan should maintain mental silence to jumpstart his mind in a positive manner.

We humans have a natural inclination to think positive as we have evolved from the generations of hunters and gatherers. Hunters and gatherers must keep a positive mind to have hope to find something to eat at a daily basis. Business professionals in the field of entrepreneurship should also show a positive mindset despite facing so many failures. On the other hand, humans have to incur many pains in their lives to earn honor and respect. A suicidal personality would develop due to the attribute of impatience within the persona of a concerned person.
Suicidal thoughts could inform emotions of a person to a level where the possibility of ending one’s life could come across as the only viable option of getting a relief. However, a mental state of a person is like a flowing water, and therefore, human brain should process thoughts continually. A suicidal person would have a fixated mindset. The mind of the person thinking of suicide could not focus on the future. A suicidal personality has darkened so much mentally that he could not have hope in the future as well. A suicidal person has an external locus of control, and he could not take charge of his life independently. A suicidal person has to attentively work in his profession to seek solace in life that he wants to find in death.

Therapists dealing with suicidal people would give the patients hope in smaller dosages. However, a suicidal person would break away from his family and friends for the rest of his normal life. One’s social environment is responsible for making him angry to a level where he may think of doing suicide. Changing social atmosphere holds the key towards resolving the suicidal issue in the life of a person thinking of committing the grave action of ending his life.



Nadeem Abbas Haider
Attock, Punjab, Pakistan

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