Clean water and sanitation

Clean water and sanitation

Clean water and sanitation


One out of five people lack access to clean drinking water and over 3 million people do not live-in adequate sanitation environment. The importance of have a sustainable environment of water resources and sanitation is that it helps in increasing economic growth because if there is a sustainable place then their will also be investors who wants to bring in technology at that place which will lead to proper transportation, good health, education, income etc. The Global demand for clean water is booming and due to pollution, more and more water is getting wasted.

Problems raised due to water shortage?

  • Agriculture needs proper water management which when not provided, the plants will rot.
  • Cooking require water
  • Heath issues
  • Animals also need water to survive, their heath gets affected due to unhealthy water.
  • Drought will bring all the plants and animals to suffer.
  • Deforestation


The Sustainable Development Goal-6 

The 2030 agenda of United Nation also focus on Clean Water and sanitation to find solutions for water-related issues. This Sustainable Development Goal fall under Goal-6 which is directed by the UN Water and UNEP which is actively working with the organizations involved within. Apart from it the Global Environment Monitoring Initiative acts as a coordinating body for the SDG 6 initiatives.

SDG-6 not only look after the issue of drinking water and sanitation but also looks after the available quality pf the water resources which basically is essential for the survival of humans, animals and the planet. They take action towards the improvement of clean drinking water, health and hygiene, education and poverty.



How unavailability of clean water impacts us:


  • Impacts health

The unavailability of water leads to the unavailability of toilets, soap and waste management which can lead to serious health problems. In this pandemic we have clearly seen the effect of heath leads to economic crises, so know we can clearly relate how it affects us.


  • Impacts Education

Children miss a lot of their school years due to the unavailability of clean water. We all know by now that water and sanitation is very important for a healthy learning environment. For adolescence girls school is a way of learning about the clean and hygienic way of addressing menstrual education. The absence of clean water leads girls to not go to school, which leads to so much loss of education.


  • Impacts Gender equity

Women are expected to leave all the work and travel miles to get clean drinking water, which leads to time-wastage, even children are forced to do this had work so that they can get one or two buckets of clean drinking water.



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