Climate Action

Climate Action

Climate Action


It is very undeniable fact that climate change is real and has started affecting our live from many years’ back. All that we humans have done to the nature is now started affecting us in many ways. The Uniter nation Agenda for Sustainable development Goal’s cover climate change in vast and also look after the action that are suppose to be taken to control and improve the climate change.

Climate Action

Climate Action is a process in which we will take step that will help to reduce the pollution by-

  • Reduce Greenhouse gas emission
  • Strength resilience
  • Adaptive capacity to climate-induced impacts
  • Climate related hazards in each country
  • Integrating climate measures into national polices
  • Strategies and planning
  • Improving education
  • Awareness-raising
  • Human and institutional capacity
  • Climate change migration
  • Adaptation

Now that we can visibly see the climate change it is a clear warning for everyone to start taking this topic seriously and take relative measures to reduce pollution. 2019 was suppose to be 2nd hottest year which is ever recorded. The Carbon dioxide with other greenhouse gases is rising day by day and in the past few years the level of these gases has increased to a dangerous level.

The Climate change is affecting every one which includes all nations, animals, pants and every living organism on this planet. The weather change is just a start which will soon change with other natural effects like rise in water level, oxygen deficiency, UV rays, less resources etc.

The targets that cover by the United Nation SDG for climate action are-

  • Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters
  • Integrate climate change measures into policy and planning
  • Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change
  • Implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • Promote mechanisms to raise capacity for planning and management


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