Benefits of Reading EveryDay

Benefits of Reading EveryDay

Article by

Pranav Ranjan

The first question that comes in our mind after reading the title ,why should we read Every day ?
 As reading is not only about study it’s about us Being Creative , have a quick and intelligent mind ,  Being our Mind work fast and proper in Tensed Situations..
                    When we read Every day we know different meanings of the same Problems and many solutions for the same . Our mind looks relaxed and Works Brilliantly ..
  Reading increases our Memory power , learning  skills and it helps in increasing our IQ level..
Reading every day keeps our Brain healthy .
        It increases our Focus and Concentration .,and reading keeps our Brain Fresh .
As a study also shows that student who studies everyday faces 75% less stress than students who don’t studies . Studies increase our knowledge and understanding capabilities .
       If we take an example , if in a case a student who reads everyday  and a student who reads during exams only , then the student who read during exam only will feel that syllabus and reading is hard for them ,whereas students reading every day will feel more easier and lesser syllabus , and will understand more than those who don’t..
     So, we must try to read atleast an Hour every day and that will help us feel less of workload and being helpful in following discipline ..
Will also increase our balance in life and will boost our confidence .
Reading every day will make us smart , charismatic , responsible and successful and make our life a happy life .
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