Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Article By Rubeel

Air pollution is engaging the attention of the sensible people in the developed as well as developing countries. What do you mean by pollution “It means contaminating the elements of air, water and earth”. We are polluting the air that we breathe and the agents of air pollution are chimney smoke and the fumes coming from cars and trucks. If we don’t keep a check on air pollution, the day is not far we shall have to carry Oxygen Cylinder to keep us alive.


Air pollution is a result of one man willing to harm another man to a small degree. Problem is, there are 7.7 billion people each harming another man to a small degree and the total kills 7 million people a year based on the study from the World Health Organization. The early deaths in China are 4,400 per DAY. That number in India is 3,288 per DAY. The US is not without fatalities either; an MIT study reveals that 120,000 people a year die from the hazardous air quality in the US. All these deaths preventable and the harm to one another inexcusable.


The best example one can give is the extreme conditions that arise in Delhi when the mercury drops during the winter season and also it’s a season when stubble burning of starch by the farmers of Haryana and Punjab, increases the pollution level in Delhi to alarming levels.


National capital shares its border with the states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. One of the main reasons of increasing air pollution levels in Delhi is crop burning by the farmers in these states. Farmers burn rice stubbles in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. It is estimated that approximately 35 million tonnes of crop are set afire by these states. The wind carries all the pollutants and dust particles, which get locked in the air.

As the winter season sets in, dust particles and pollutants in the air become unable to move. Due to stagnant winds, these pollutants get locked in the air and affect weather conditions, resulting in smog.

Another reason of air-pollution is over-population in the capital. Over-population only adds up to the various types of pollution, whether it is air pollution or noise pollution.


Finally some major precautions one should take to limit exposure to such toxic air are as follows:


  1. Please wear N95 Mask while stepping out of the house.
  2. Try to stayat home and only step out if necessary.
  3. Avoid physical exercise outdoors.
  4. Special care should be given to oldies and infants, they should remain at home. Windows and doors should be kept closed.
  5. Increase intake of vitamin-C,ginger, lemon etc.
  6. Please consume magnesium rich diet like cashews.
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