Voice of Indian Tax Payers
As a group representing voice of Indian tax payers, we are seeking ACCOUNTABILITY on how our hard earned money is spent by the government. The Income tax collections paid by about 3 Crs Indian ( out of 120 Crs) constitutes 14% of annual revenue of government of India so 2.5% Indian pays 14% of government revenues.
Please see the chart below for details
We pay more taxes then USA and China citizens. Do go through this like
Actually, India has second highest tax rate among top 20 rich nations. Please see link below
But as we represent 2% of Indian population with least voter turnout, no political party cares about us. We need to raise our issues in a collective manner to the government.
Do like out FB page at https://www.facebook.com/voiceofindiantaxpayers to participate in discussions with other like minded people.