Poverty in India

Poverty in India

Poverty in India

As we all know that after China India is the most populated country in the world and if we look at the facts then about two-third of the population in India live under poverty line. But even after that in recent years, India emerged itself from being a country with the highest rate of poverty reduction. In 2019, the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index reported that India lifted 271 million citizens out of poverty between 2006 and 2016. But in 2020 the poverty has increased even more due to the global pandemic.

Poverty in India impact everyone in various different ways, lack of education, child labor, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, cholera etc.


When it comes to malnutrition India is one of the top countries in world. About 200 million people, children don’t get sufficient food every day. More than 7.8 million infants are been born of a weight of less than 2.5 kilograms, causing many health problems including death of a child.

Child labor   

It is illegal in India for a child under 14-year-old to work but still over 12.5 million children at the age of 5-14 are working as a child labor due to poverty and it’s estimated that more than 65 million children do not go to school of basic primary education. Instead, they go to work in the factories, private households or even prostitution.

Lack of education

After all these numbers it is clear that families can not afford education for their children, even though there are government school which provide free education their families send them to work just to get more help to get money. The ration is high and the population is still not decreasing due to the lack of sex education. Without education it is very hard to find a good job that can end the poverty in their family. It sometimes feels hopeless for the poor who are getting poorer day by day.


Diseases and other health issues.

Even before the pandemic it was hard for these families to find proper health facilities or even have a good health, in this pandemic the situation has gone worse, no food, no job and a huge danger of COVID-19. No one can though of a worse situation than this. Other diseases such as HIV/AIDS is a taboo in India, more than 2.7 million are affected by this virus and about 220,000 of the children already have it. These are some names of major diseases, Cholera, typhus, dingo, influenza etc. are very common among such people.


How to reduce poverty?  

Even though the situation is already worse it doesn’t mean we should not do anything for these unfortunates. It is our duty to help people in any way possible the best way is donation in NGOs of not only money you can also donate food, medicine, cloths, books and many more items.

Here are 3 basic measures which are important to be given to these unfortunates:

  1. Education

No matter what education is a way to stop a lot of issues like child labor, reduction of population, getting employment. Every one has a Right to Education, there are several NGOs, government policies which are helping and providing education to move towards a nation of poverty proof.


  1. Skill Development

Even people in the poverty can acquire some basic skills like English writing, soft skills, technical training that can make them more employable. If proper education is hard, they can develop skills to get employment and use their skill to their benefits.


  1. Infrastructure Development

This helps the nation in many ways- employment, accessibility, reduce transport cost, foreign direct investment, etc.




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