Reconnecting Nature and people

Reconnecting Nature and people

Reconnecting Nature and people


What is nature?

There is a lot of talk and attempt to ensure nature, the creatures, the birds, the whales and dolphins, to clean the contaminated streams, lakes, fields, etc. Nature isn’t assembled by thought, as religion and conviction are. Nature is the tiger, that phenomenal creature with its energy, its extraordinary feeling of force. Nature is the single tree in the field, the knolls and the forest; it is that squirrel modestly taking cover behind a branch. Nature is the subterranean insect, the honey bee and every one of the living things of the earth. Nature is the waterway, not a specific stream, regardless of whether the Ganga, the Thames or the Mississippi. Nature is those mountains, snow-clad, with dim blue valleys and scope of slopes meeting the ocean. The universe is essential for nature. One should have an inclination for this, not obliterate it, not kill for one’s pleasure or one’s table. We do kill cabbages, the vegetables we eat, however one should define the boundary some place. On the off chance that you don’t eat vegetables, how might you live? So, one should brilliantly recognize.


Nature is important for our life. We outgrew the seed, the earth, and we are important for all that, however we are quickly losing the feeling that we are creatures like the others. Would you be able to have an inclination for a tree, see it, see its magnificence, pay attention to the sound it makes? Would you be able to be touchy to the little plant, somewhat weed, to that creeper growing up the divider, to the light on the leaves and the numerous shadows? One should know about this and have that feeling of fellowship with nature around you. You might live in a town, yet you do have trees to a great extent. A bloom in the following nursery might be badly kept, swarmed with weeds, however see it, feel that you are essential for all that, part of every living thing. On the off chance that you hurt nature; you are harming yourself.


One realizes this has been said before in an unexpected way, however we don’t appear to give a lot of consideration. Is it that we are so up to speed in our own organization of issues, our longings, our inclinations of joy and torment that we never glance around, never watch the moon? Heads up. Watch with every one of your eyes and ears, your feeling of smell. Watch. Look like you are searching interestingly. On the off chance that you can do that, you see interestingly that tree, shrub or piece of sod. Then, at that point you can see your educator, your mom or father, your sibling or sister, interestingly. There is a remarkable inclination about that: the marvel, the abnormality, the wonder of a crisp morning that has never been and never will be.

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