Reduce Inequality
Reduce Inequality
In 2015 United Nations established 17 sustainable Development Goals from which reduced inequality is one of it. Reducing Inequality means to stop discriminating people on the basis of economics, sex, disability, race, social inequality etc.
The goal is to achieve a have a country free from all kind of social and economic inequalities making sure that no one is left behind to suffer in discrimination.
Everyone in this world desire to be treated respectfully but still every day half the population is under-apricated, disrespected, discriminated and mainly treated unequally.
Targets set by the United Nation for reduction of inequalities are:
- Reduce Income Inequalities
We have heard this team- “Rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer”, in this target we need to work on achieving a sustain income growth up to at least 40% of the population with a higher rate of the national average.
- Promote Universal Social, Economics and Political inclusion
This target aims to achieve an empower and encourage the political, social and economic inequality of all race, sex, religion, status, disability, etc.
- Ensure Equal Opportunities and End Discrimination
To achieve this target there is a quick need to eliminate laws, policies and different practices which are discriminatory, and need to promote policies which are for a betterment of a nation.
It is sad to be said but women are more likely to be affected by discrimination compared to men. Women face discrimination in many faces like- disability, religion, ethnicity and sex.
- Adopt Fiscal and social policies that promote equalities
The target is to bring in policies and law that provide and protect people from gender inequalities.
- Improved regulation of global financial markets and institution
The target aims to promote financial stability by monitoring the financial market or institutions that influence such causes.
- Enhance representation for development countries in financial institutions
The main goal of this initiative is to develop the voice of an individual by giving them voting rights and a more legitimate institution.
- Responsible and well-managed migration policies:
The target is to provide a safe and guarantee migration facilities to increase employment and income of a country.
- Encourage development and assistance
To achieve development and financial flow of foreign direct investments in particulars for the developing countries.
- Reduce Transaction costs for migrant remittances
The target is to reduce the transaction cost of migrants up to 3% by 2030 in order to provide the migrants workers a easy way to send in money to their families.
Why is Gender equality important?
Gender equality is a necessary right that should be given to the hole population. By denying this right we waste half of the world’s human potential. It is a human right issue by deny them we take away their chance to life to the fullest, stop them from growing and learning.
It is very important for us to break such stereotype roles as when we all will get equal opportunities and equal rights the whole nation can grow together into a well-educated, independent country.